Wednesday, October 12, 2011

comment in the Huffington Post

“Colliding through the internet as you point out, Warren, is the most perplexing puzzle authors face. Yet, I am finding with my novel, "Charlie Six," the debut novel published by a small San Francisco publisher, Poppynoir, that the old fashioned method of taking it to people, alongside never ending internet promotion, is beginning to pay off. When City Lights, one of the most illustriou
­s book stores in the world, refused an in-store reading by me, a natural hook-up as my character, Charlie Six, is expelled from boarding school for reading the Ginsberg poem in the chapter called "Howl," a flash of inspiratio­n came to me. I read instead in Jack Kerouac Alley next to City Lights followed by a party at Specs, a bar across the street. It was a unique event and well attended. We sold a lot of books in the bar, now I read in Alleys all the time, promoted on the internet through my website, www.WhereI­sCharlieSi­, and inexpensiv­e videos posted on YouTube. Now I'm going to start taking my small amplifier to farmer's markets, in fact anywhere there are people gathered, for I believe the biggest mistake new authors make is trying to reach the whole country. First gain a local following, and brick by brick, I do believe you will find a following that will expand, because in the end there is nothing like word of mouth ... the internet goobly-goo­k becomes your fans and not yours.”

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